My Ecodial S, é um software para cálculos eléctricos. Fácil e eficiente para design de instalações eléctricas de Baixa Tensão.
My Ecodial S satisfies your essential needs
to design and calculate a single-branch of an electrical network
to search for a specific product in the Schneider Electric catalogue
My Ecodial S is an additional software offer to the existing Ecodial range.
We’ve extracted the essential functions of Ecodial to provide you with an easy-to-use software
The essential of Ecodial
You need a snapshot calculation, My Ecodial S provides you with reliable results in a few clicks
You need to easily find a product without entering into the Schneider Electric catalogue, My Ecodial S offers you a technically-oriented search engine for selection of a product, discrimination (sélectivité renforcée) and cascading.
You need to easily get back into the software, the carefully designed ergonomics of My Ecodial S will guide you
Learn more about My Ecodial S ! Download the quick tour
Frequently Asked Questions for My Ecodial S
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